Monday, September 20, 2010

11 months

Only 1 month to go and you will be 1! I can't believe that it's almost been a year! This month I watched you take your first steps. Now if only you would try more often and become more confident. I'm sure it will be any day now though. As for teeth....Yeah you still haven't cut any. Not sure what your deal is with that. You have recently decided that you enjoy "yelling". Your voice can be projected throughout the house, restaurant or store. Another BIG milestone for you this month, you will finally wear shoes and keep them on. You are in LOVE with bath time! As soon as you see your tub you get so excited. You are such a splasher. Water on your face doesn't even stop you. Momma has to use a towel to cover up as I sit on the floor since you're such a wild boy in there. Even funnier is your reaction when it's Em's bath time and not yours. Not 5 seconds after I start running bath water you high tail it into the bathroom and start hollering in a screech that sounds like a plea to get in there.

Well it's time to get planning your 1 year bash! Daddy's thrilled because your having a football party! These are some of the pics we used for your invitation. Can't wait to see you go crazy! Love you stinker.

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