Sunday, September 12, 2010


Em's first soccer practice and game were this week. Practice went great! She really tried and followed her coach's lead.

As for the game...Saturday morning was chilly and rainy. All 4 of us went and I'm happy to say, didn't melt. Well make that 3 of us didn't melt. Em lost it as soon as we got to the field. Not about the weather but rather that I didn't bring her pink soccer ball. (or the camera....) I'm first to admit that I don't know a thing about the sport but I thought it would be a safe bet that she wouldn't need her ball seeing as you can only use 1 during the game and the coach would supply that. But as usual I was wrong. The kids were all out kicking their own ball around before the game. Em went crazy on me, crying and yelling. She even screamed that I was the worst mommy in the whole world. Thanks Em, mom needed that. Here I am trying to be that special mom who is not only carting your butt around twice a week for this sport I don't understand but is standing in the rain wearing your little brother in a baby bjorn trying to keep him from pulling the umbrella that is not even protecting me from the wind blown rain. Thanks babe, thanks.

Well once the game actually got going you loved it, rain and all. You didn't whine about the rain, you were a good sport when you had to come out to let another player in, you were strong and brave when it came to playing against those boys and more surprising was your toughness when you'd fall or get pushed! I'm so proud of how you played! I love you and will be there every week cheering you on even if I have to wear your brother and fight with him about the need to let go of the umbrella!

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