Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dancing Queen

We attended a wonderful wedding yesterday for a dear friend. Lindsay made a beautiful bride and the wedding was full of so many little details. Emily has been waiting for this wedding for a long time! She was so excited that we found a dress that had the wedding color, cornflower blue, in it. (Who even knew there was a color named that?) She wanted her hair done up and was all excited about the reception! She couldn't wait to dance with the "girls in blue" as she called the bridesmaids.

Em and I went to the actual ceremony while John stayed home with Garret, which was definitely a good choice. The church is old so no A/C. There's no way Garret would have done well in the heat. After the ceremony we went home to relax a bit and then brought Garret over to Uncle Steve and Aunt Sara's house so Em, John and I would be able to enjoy ourselves. (Sorry Lindsay, I know you wanted him there :( And thanks Steve and Sara for watching him it was a huge help!) Here's a pic of us before heading off to the reception.So the details. The wedding theme was golf which was so cute and fit them "par-fectly" as the Hershey bar wrappers said! Em was in heaven with all the sweets. There was a candy bar/table where you filled your own little bag (this was huge since I really limit those kind of sweets for her) along with the Hershey Bar that was at each of our place settings. The food was great as usual for Roma and the cake was phenomenal. (Maybe I'll have to splurge and order one for my sad day coming up, the big 3-0!) Between eating all the candy and coloring in the Coloring Book Lindsay created, Em was getting very anxious for the dancing to get started. Well let me tell you once it did, it was nearly impossible to pull her off the dance floor. She is definitely my little Dancing Queen. She hears a beat and goes with it! She danced with the bride, the groom, the matron of honor, the other "girls in blue", her daddy and me, and even some of the "guys in blue". She even had one of them copying her dance moves, which made her night!
Here's a pic I "borrowed" from the photographer's face book. Congratulations Lindsay and Joe, we couldn't be happier for you!

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