Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

We headed up north to celebrate the fourth this past weekend. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate as well as I would have liked. We skipped the parade in the morning because it had started to rain. In fact it rained off and on all day causing us to miss the fireworks up there :( We did however still make it to the annual 4th cookout at Itsy and Butch's and John even won the croquet tournament this year! (even more amazing was that I didn't do half as bad as I have every other year) Oh, and here's our 1st Family Picture. I can't believe we hadn't taken any good ones up to this point!
Here's Em & Garret with their cousins. It's just too bad that Em only got to hang out with Marissa the 1st night we were there since she had to leave the next day. Em just couldn't understand why she couldn't stay. :(

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