Tuesday, July 20, 2010

9 months

This month has been huge for Garret! He has now mastered the art of "real" crawling and it's ever so cute when I catch him doing the army crawl which is seldom anymore. He has a very LOUD voice, happy but just loud. He loves to clap his hands and even just started waving bye bye. He WANTS our food! I mean right off our plates but the poor thing still doesn't have any teeth and no signs of them even peeking through. Garret loves to snuggle and give hugs. His kisses have been hard to come by unlike last month but my heart just melts when he lays his head on me. Oh, and I swear I heard him last night say Mama as he was crawling towards me in the kitchen. John even stopped and thought he heard it too. But that was just once so who knows, wishful thinking :)

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