Sunday, January 24, 2010

1st Day of school

So Em started school this week. She goes Tuesday and Thursdays. She is going to Sunshine Mountain Preschool in the morning from 8:30-11:00 and then goes across the hall to the daycare from 11:00-4:30. She absolutely LOVES it! Both days when I went to pick her up she got angry at me because she wanted to stay with her friends.

On Tuesday I was a bit worried not sure how it would all go. I knew she would be fine in the morning since she already knew her teacher, which we are working on calling her by her big name, Mrs. Porcaro, instead of what's she's been calling her since she could talk, Ms. Shannon. This I think will take both of us some time :) Sorry Shannon. Besides knowing her teacher there are 3 friends in the class that she knows from RFC which really helps. I was mostly worried about the afternoon. We did visit the Friday before so she could meet her other teacher and see the classroom. We got lucky and a little girl from Em's dance class is in there so that gave her someone to know in there too.

The only sad moment for the day was when we dropped Garret off at the sitter's before Em went to school. I had her wait in the truck while I brought him in. When I came out she was a bit teary eyed and said that she was sad cause she would miss her brother :( I reassured her that we'd come and pick him up after school and she seemed to deal ok with that. At school when it was time to go in I actually had to ask for a kiss and a hug because she was ready to jump out and be on her way! My baby is growing up!


Three Wonderful Kids! said...

She is so AWESOME!! We love having her!! What do I have to do to convince you to let her stay??? (; She is such a pleasure in class and is already such an asset!!

Tammy said...

I'll tell you, you need to teach the 3 day a week class and she'll come next year for sure:)