Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Little Man is 3 months!

Time sure flies! It's so hard to believe that Garret has been in this house for 3 months already! Really, I have no idea where the time has gone. It's funny how you forget when they should be hitting a certain milestone. Really Em is only 3 1/2 yet I can't recall when to be expecting Garret to be doing certain things. At three months he has finally excepted taking a bath. Don't get me wrong he still doesn't like it but I'll take his "sour" face over the screaming while bathing him any day. He smiles and giggles ALL the time. It's so cute watching Em talk to him and him responding to her with his sounds. Hopefully in the next month he'll be on his way into his nursery, at least that's what we're hoping for. We'll see how that goes.

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