Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day

No School TODAY! We got pounded with snow, 12 inches from midnight to 9:00 this morning! So after John and I spent 2 hours clearing the cars and sidewalks Em and I had a homebound day of fun and relaxation. Emily was a little artist again today. Em had picked out some little plaster ornaments at the craft store last week and I thought today would be a great day to paint them. I couldn't believe how patient she was. She took her time and tried so hard. Just look at her great fine motor skills at work. She's able to hold the paint brush correctly and steadily. She was so proud of them and couldn't wait to show John!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Little Artist

John had off today so Em stayed home with him. When I got home he had to show me her drawing. Check out her awesome stick person. It has come along way. Last month she was making her people by drawing a circle for the head which had a few dots on it and a line across for the face and then 4 lines coming off of the circle for arms and legs. Now look, she's even drawn a torso!

Monday, December 15, 2008

No Need to stop here Santa!

I asked Emily what she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas. Her response, "I have my tree and ornaments and lighst and my socks (socks being the stockings). That's all I need." Now if only that thinking would last for years to come! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Party

This weekend we went to RFC's Christmas Party. This year it was Breakfast with Santa. If you ask Em, she could have done without Santa. She was fine until he walked in. Then she wouldn't let here eyes off of him, and I don't mean in a good way. She was terrified. We sat at a table in the front hoping that by seeing other kids going up there by him and getting presents that she would want to too. It took her a while but she wanted a present so her and I went and waited in line. She seemed fine until it was our turn. That's when she lost it. She wanted nothing to do with him. She had her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs twisted around my waist. Oh, and the scream that came out of her mouth, I'm sure she stopped everyone in their tracks! She told Santa to give me her present while crying. I asked her what should she say, and she thanked him, still crying. Then we turn to go. We weren't even off of the stage yet and the crying stopped. She had a huge smile on her face and with excitement she says "Santa gave me a present and candy cane mama!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gingerbread Fun!

Tonight we went to an RFC craft night and made a cute little gingerbread house. Emily was so excited to see her friends! (And loved eating the candy!) We used graham crackers to make the base of the house and then added frosting and candy to decorate it. I think I got a little too carried away with it and took the "design element" from Em but she seemed happy with letting me lead :) I think we're going to have to make a big one at home so she can be in charge :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Say Cheese

Today I took Em to get her pictures taken for Christmas. We tried a new place in Kenosha called Picture Innovations. I think they did a great job but there was some miscommunication. When I called to make an appointment, I inquired about their special picture package. They told me one thing but when I actually picked out the poses I wanted and told her which one I wanted for my main pose (which should have been for the package) she didn't ring it up that way. Apparently, just telling them that you want the package when you make an appointment is not enough. You actually have to say the words I want this pose for my special promotional price. I mean for pete's sake. They are new to the area they should have asked if what I meant to say is I wanted the special when I said I wanted this pose as my main one. You would think that it would be on my appointment sheet!

Anyway, Emily started her session by crying but the photographers did a great job at getting her to smile. They all turned out great. Here are a few of my favorites.

Monday, December 1, 2008

HELLO December

Here she is all ready to play, to bad Mom has to go to work :(
One thing to add: Em's new saying, "That's what I'm talkin about!" It just cracks us up when she says it.