Monday, September 20, 2010

11 months

Only 1 month to go and you will be 1! I can't believe that it's almost been a year! This month I watched you take your first steps. Now if only you would try more often and become more confident. I'm sure it will be any day now though. As for teeth....Yeah you still haven't cut any. Not sure what your deal is with that. You have recently decided that you enjoy "yelling". Your voice can be projected throughout the house, restaurant or store. Another BIG milestone for you this month, you will finally wear shoes and keep them on. You are in LOVE with bath time! As soon as you see your tub you get so excited. You are such a splasher. Water on your face doesn't even stop you. Momma has to use a towel to cover up as I sit on the floor since you're such a wild boy in there. Even funnier is your reaction when it's Em's bath time and not yours. Not 5 seconds after I start running bath water you high tail it into the bathroom and start hollering in a screech that sounds like a plea to get in there.

Well it's time to get planning your 1 year bash! Daddy's thrilled because your having a football party! These are some of the pics we used for your invitation. Can't wait to see you go crazy! Love you stinker.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Em's first soccer practice and game were this week. Practice went great! She really tried and followed her coach's lead.

As for the game...Saturday morning was chilly and rainy. All 4 of us went and I'm happy to say, didn't melt. Well make that 3 of us didn't melt. Em lost it as soon as we got to the field. Not about the weather but rather that I didn't bring her pink soccer ball. (or the camera....) I'm first to admit that I don't know a thing about the sport but I thought it would be a safe bet that she wouldn't need her ball seeing as you can only use 1 during the game and the coach would supply that. But as usual I was wrong. The kids were all out kicking their own ball around before the game. Em went crazy on me, crying and yelling. She even screamed that I was the worst mommy in the whole world. Thanks Em, mom needed that. Here I am trying to be that special mom who is not only carting your butt around twice a week for this sport I don't understand but is standing in the rain wearing your little brother in a baby bjorn trying to keep him from pulling the umbrella that is not even protecting me from the wind blown rain. Thanks babe, thanks.

Well once the game actually got going you loved it, rain and all. You didn't whine about the rain, you were a good sport when you had to come out to let another player in, you were strong and brave when it came to playing against those boys and more surprising was your toughness when you'd fall or get pushed! I'm so proud of how you played! I love you and will be there every week cheering you on even if I have to wear your brother and fight with him about the need to let go of the umbrella!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1st Dentist Appointment

It was BAD.... it started when Em ran away from the room, cried in fear and then at the end I was told I would have to find a pediatric dentist to take care of her cavity. She did finally settle down and let them clean her teeth. When we left she says to me, "See, that wasn't so bad!" Really Em? Well we did find a doc that was awesome with her and that made all the difference in her next two appointments. Here she is at her 1st appointment.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back 2 School

So Em is now back to school. She starts out only going for an hour and 15 minutes for the first 2 weeks (Monday, Wednesday and Fridays). After that she'll be in preschool all morning and then go across the hall to her daycare class for the afternoon. She has returned to Sunshine Mountain again and is so excited for the year! Last week though she was quite upset that she can't ride a school bus and go to Gifford with her friends from the sitter's. But that wouldn't even be a possibility because of the school district's rules about boundary exceptions. So Sunshine Mountain it is! Which in all honesty is probably the best place for her. She has 2 of the BEST teachers I've ever encountered for early childhood, I love the Montessori program/experience and who knows if she'll ever be able to go to school with her "bestest friends" that she's known since only a few months old. Here's to hoping this year is grand for both Em and I!

Here she is having her special "1st day Breakfast" at Panera. Em loves her muffies :) And posing before school.