Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's been a long few weeks here in the Kildahl house. Em has had some issues going to the bathroom and it has really been wearing me down. She's been up several times a night crying because her stomach hurts. So between not getting much sleep with being pregnant and then Em's outbursts I've been running on almost no sleep. It is really starting to show for both Em and I. I'm just plain exhausted and she is an extremely moody 3 year old.

Well finally she decided to "go" and now for the last 2 nights has been able to sleep for the most part. Not to mention has been fairly pleasant to be around. (Which I so desperately needed.) I on the other hand am still not sleeping well. Our "little man" is just "scratching" to come out. And I mean that literally. It feels like he is clawing me to no end. I keep joking that all of a sudden a little hand will be popping out of my belly from him wearing through all the layers :)

So with Em's pleasant behavior her and I had a special day yesterday. After her dance class and nap we went up to Milwaukee to do a little shopping. She got to pick out a new car seat at USA Baby since she's getting to big for the one in John's car and since we'll eventually need that one for the baby. Of course, she picked a pink one but it is a 5 point harness that she can wear until she's 80 pounds (a Britax Frontier). And since the state law requires kids to be in car seats until they reach 80 pounds, I'd rather have her in the harness than just a booster with a seatbelt. I wasn't going to get this one because it is more expensive that the Graco Nautalis but the extra 15 pounds for the harness really kept pushing me towards it plus they were having a sales I got $80 off! It just makes me feel better. I remember seeing a video clip a parent put together a few years ago right after Em was born and it has always stuck with me. So much so that everytime I hear the Nickelback song that it's set to the pictures of the little boy are so vivid. Here's the link if you haven't seen it check it out here. If the link doesn't work here's the web address:

Then we headed to Mayfair to one of Em's favorite places, Build a Bear. She came up with the idea to make one for her baby brother a month or so ago. The idea was all her so I just couldn't say no. She was so proud to tell the lady working there that she was making it for her baby brother. I really thought that we would have issues with it once we got it home but she has not tried to claim it, which completly amazes me.

Overall we just had a great day. It's been a while since she was cooperative enough to "hang out" with mom. I know it's the age she's at but hopefully it will start to pass so we can have more days like this sooner than later.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yeah, Fall is coming!

This weekend we started working on our fall decorating thanks to Em. Check out her Apple artwork.

I was so impressed by her ability to color in the lines for the leaf and stem. I had no idea she could do that. Lately she's been drawing and cutting plain white paper instead of coloring in pictures.

Here she used an apple that was cut in half to make apple prints.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Back 2 Work

So September is here and again school must begin. Em had a few hard days transitioning back into our routine but is doing fine now. We both really got spoiled this summer just hanging out at home. I do wish we could have done more but this pregnancy has really been kicking me in the butt. I've taken it fairly easy but now need to get in the mode of getting some stuff done before the little man arrives. We still haven't gotten Em's room done upstairs so it looks like he'll be bunking in the co sleeper in our room for awhile, which is fine by me. Not sure John's on the same page though;) I figure it was fine with Em it will be fine again. I'm just not about to stress myself out about it. We've got diapers, bottles, and some clothes to start, yes they are blue, not to mention all the big stuff from Em. So I think we're set. Here's to 33 weeks, only 7 more to go!