Monday, September 7, 2009

Back 2 Work

So September is here and again school must begin. Em had a few hard days transitioning back into our routine but is doing fine now. We both really got spoiled this summer just hanging out at home. I do wish we could have done more but this pregnancy has really been kicking me in the butt. I've taken it fairly easy but now need to get in the mode of getting some stuff done before the little man arrives. We still haven't gotten Em's room done upstairs so it looks like he'll be bunking in the co sleeper in our room for awhile, which is fine by me. Not sure John's on the same page though;) I figure it was fine with Em it will be fine again. I'm just not about to stress myself out about it. We've got diapers, bottles, and some clothes to start, yes they are blue, not to mention all the big stuff from Em. So I think we're set. Here's to 33 weeks, only 7 more to go!

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