Saturday, November 8, 2008

On her way to being a BIG girl

Just had to post that my little girl took a leap to being a BIG girl. I have been trying to encourage her to use the potty for a few months now but she wasn't showing any interest. Well this past week we went shopping with my mom and she bought Emily a Dora seat that goes on top of the toilet. She thought that maybe she'd like that better than her little potty. Em tried a few times to go but as she says, "My water won't come out." Well just a little bit ago I was downstairs on the computer when she yelled down to me that she needed to go to the bathroom. I figured sure we'll give it a few minutes so I helped her get on. Of course she thinks it's fun time and wants to play with her tub toys while she's sitting there. After a few minutes I asked her if she was done and she said that she was waiting for her water to come out so she could get a MnM (M&M). So we sat there, and all of a sudden she started going. My poor baby had this scared look on her face like she had no idea what was happening. I smiled and told her she was going potty and clapped for her. And with a big smile on her face she said, "My water, my water come out mommy!!!"

So I know this is only the beginning, but still, I'm so proud of her and happy that I never pushed the potty training thing. This was all her!

1 comment:

Beth said...

My water, that is too cute! Potty training is a big step, good for her doing so well!