Friday, November 7, 2008

Bad Mommy!

I feel like a terrible mother. Today I had to take Em to get a flu shot. When I picked her up from the sitter’s I told her that we had to go to the doctor’s before we went out to eat. Just then she lost it, crying all the way to there in the car, in my arms as we walked in, and kept crying as she was standing next to me as we were checking in. I was able to get her to calm down and then the nurse called our name and she took off running from me crying, “No doctor mommy!” So we get her in the room, hold her down and give her the shot. It wasn’t until we were in the car that I realized how bad I really was, I had forgotten to give her any pain reliever before her shot. It honestly never crossed my mind. Well as a reward for Em and a comforting mechanism for me, I let her choose where we should go for dinner. I thought for sure she’d say Culver’s so she could get ice cream but to my surprise she said fruit cup, which means Chancery! Unbelievable! I know that her two favorite things to eat are chocolate ice cream and fruit but what kid would choose fruit over ice cream? Only Em :)-

Later on that night, still trying to soothe my mommy guilt, I asked Emily if she wanted to do a project. Her eyes lit up and she was thrilled. I had a simple craft that I actually had put together for October but we never got around to it. But hey, pumpkins are for November too. I gave her a paper plate and little square pieces of orange construction paper. She glued them on and when finished we added the stem. Look at her completed pumpkin, she is so proud of her work. All she kept saying was, “I show daddy when he gets home.”

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