Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend full of fun! Farm #1

So knowing that our new addition is coming we decided this would be the ONLY weekend to get out to the pumpkin farms. Seeing as it's one of my favorite things to do with Em we hit up 3 of them in 2 days! Crazy, I know but we just had too! Saturday we headed to Jerry Smith's with Aiden, Chris and Jennie. The scenes were the same as last year but the kids didn't care one bit. Of course the weather wasn't the greatest but it wasn't terrible either. A little drizzling here and there. Em is still not a fan of animals. And after the episode there, I think that fear will be in her for awhile. Aiden was feeding some of the goats when all of a sudden a rooster came halling butt from the fenced in coop. Flapping it's wings and just barely missing Em. She was so freaked. I haven't seen her jump that high ever! Of course, our buddy Aiden found it cool and was laughing. He's just so adventurous and daring. Maybe one day Em will stop being such a girly girl. :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love the look on her face! Too cute