Monday, August 3, 2009

An Attempt @ Photography

So I've been asking John for quite some time to get a new camera. He wants a new point and shoot Sony Cybershot but I REALLY want a SLR. It's a hobby that I would love to get into. I love how there are so many settings to choose from and learn. I just know I could take more awesome pictures if my camera had the capabilities that an SLR has. Maybe I'll wear down on him soon. Otherwise take note everyone, feel free to add to my camera fund this Christmas :)

Some friends in RFC got together to do a photography club. We met at Petrify Springs Park and talked a bit about some simple hints. I took almost a 100 pictures that day! But after going through them these are some of my favorite of Em. I didn't include any of her friends, for privacy issues. Oh, one funny note to add, Em refuses to allow me to take her picture. I had to keep telling her I was taking pictures of the trees :) Now if she saw someone else taking one of her that was perfectly fine, go figure!

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