Thursday, August 13, 2009


I just want to say we have the greatest friends in the world!!!! Where to begin. John’s parents came into town today so we went over to visit with them at his grandparent’s house. Well we knew we had a birthday party/BBQ that started at 5 but figured it wouldn’t be a big deal if we were a bit late seeing as all of her family and friends would be there. Boy were we wrong! One of our friends had texted John a few times asking where we were but apparently John never responded. Finally at about 6 we left and headed over there. John wanted to stop home and pick up his bike so he could stay later in case I wanted to take Em home. When we got there, I was getting Em out of the truck and noticed there weren’t too many cars there which was really unusual since Becky has such a large family but thought maybe others had the same idea as us. John went and parked his bike in their garage not really stopping to talk to anyone (or notice the backyard) and then came back out to help carry in our chairs. In the meantime Em and I started walking to the backyard and wouldn’t you know it, it was defiantly not a birthday party. Turned out they were throwing us a surprise baby shower! There were blue and white balloons and one was shaped like a baby bottle. I just stood there about to explode with tears. I couldn’t believe it. They had defiantly pulled one over on us. As John walked up, I said that it wasn’t a birthday party and he too was just as dumbfounded as I had been. (Of course Em didn’t get it but she can’t stop talking about how it wasn’t a party for Becky but one for our baby.)

So here we are an hour and a half late for our own shower. But hey, it was defiantly a SURPRISE!

As a side note: After the shower John and I were talking and still couldn’t believe what had just happened. He said that when he put his bike in the garage he noticed the balloons but thought that Tony and Becky were making “an announcement” at her birthday that they were expecting….. Wouldn’t that have been good.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More Painting!

So here's my little artist! She is just a painting machine. We decided to go and make a birthday gift for our friend Lindsay that she could use on her desk at school. When we walked into Fired Up Em got so excited she couldn't control herself! She saw all these fingerprint things and said that's what she wanted to make. So that's what we did. Lindsay's pencil cup has fingerprint butterflies, caterpillars and an attempted bee (Sorry Lindsay it was the best we could do :) ) I purposely went on a Tuesday since they have 2 for 1 studio fees so that Em could pick out a piece for herself. Of course being the little girl she is, she chose a fairy. And swears it's Tinkerbell! She even had to paint it with the same colors. She did an awesome job. The only thing I painted for her were the lips and the dots for the eyes. The rest of the time I either sat there admiring her work or would hold the piece for her if she asked!

Monday, August 3, 2009

An Attempt @ Photography

So I've been asking John for quite some time to get a new camera. He wants a new point and shoot Sony Cybershot but I REALLY want a SLR. It's a hobby that I would love to get into. I love how there are so many settings to choose from and learn. I just know I could take more awesome pictures if my camera had the capabilities that an SLR has. Maybe I'll wear down on him soon. Otherwise take note everyone, feel free to add to my camera fund this Christmas :)

Some friends in RFC got together to do a photography club. We met at Petrify Springs Park and talked a bit about some simple hints. I took almost a 100 pictures that day! But after going through them these are some of my favorite of Em. I didn't include any of her friends, for privacy issues. Oh, one funny note to add, Em refuses to allow me to take her picture. I had to keep telling her I was taking pictures of the trees :) Now if she saw someone else taking one of her that was perfectly fine, go figure!