Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One HOT HOT Day!

So of course the day we decide to go to Sea World was like 103! I thought we would split our day like we did when we went to Disney but honestly, John and I couldn’t fathom going back with the heat. We started our visit by checking out the dolphin cove which Em really liked. I then wanted to make sure she got to see the Sesame Street show they had going on in the morning. I am so glad we did. We were able to sit right up front and Em enjoyed it so much! Once it was done we even waited a few minutes and were able to get our picture taken with Elmo but again, she wouldn’t do it by herself.

Em and I went to feed the dolphins which I thought was a cool experience. Em was very excited until the fish were put in front of us. Then all she wanted to do was get away as quickly as she could. Well shortly after that she became unbearable. It was a mixture of the heat and her being tired. She finally passed out in the stroller which gave John and I nice break. We walked around and checked out some other animal exhibits until she woke
up. Then we got something for lunch and were figuring out if there was anything else we wanted to do before we left. Well as luck might have it, the Shamu show was going to start shortly so we walked over there and I would say that show made the whole trip to Sea World worth it. All three of us enjoyed it. We were up a ways so we never got wet which was probably for the best. I can just imagine how Em would have reacted if she had gotten soaked. It would not have been a good thing! Here are some of the amazing pictures we got from the show.

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