Saturday, April 25, 2009

My Baby is 3 Today!

Oh how the time flies. It’s hard to believe that three years have come and gone. I still remember the anxiousness and excitement we felt the day you were born. My favorite past time then was just watching you sleep. I just loved that (and still do!) Now we are constantly busy always finding fun things to do.

At 3 you are:

A wonderful artist. You love creating little masterpieces. You are constantly making things whether it be with crayons and paper, your doodle pads, or shaping bead necklaces into different shapes. You have developed the ability to draw people and they look great. Your all time favorite right now is painting. Your artistic interests also extend into music and dancing. You love to sing just about anything. You have a tendency to just bust out singing your thoughts instead talking which I do love to hear. But if we acknowledge you singing sentences, you shy away from us. So Daddy and I have learned just to listen and enjoy them quietly.

Very opinionated. You are always expressing exactly what’s on your mind. Some may say it’s just your age but I believe that you will carry this trait on as you get older. You are my little chatterbox, always going on and on. (As a teacher, I already know what your report cards will say!) I enjoy having our conversations and treasure them so much. That is one of the reasons we go out to dinner just the two of us. I like the one on one time it gives us together to just talk. Your mind is an absorbing sponge that is always picking up on the things going on around you.

Loving and caring individual. You are always concerned with how others are feeling. Your compassion is abundant. When others are hurt the concern is obvious on your face. You are my little helper always offering to lend a hand with everything I do. (I do hope this continues as you get older too.) You are a “little mother” to younger children which eases my concerns with a new sibling on the way. I believe you are ready to become a big sister and you will do a great job too!

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