Friday, August 20, 2010

10 months already?!

Garret at 10 months you are still bald and toothless. There's not even a spot of white peeking through your gums. You definitely have a personality now. Daddy says you take after me in the morning, a bit crabby and you need some time to adjust before getting on with the day. It's in the early morning that you like to snuggle on my chest until you're ready to start moving around. (It's one of my favorite parts of the morning :) But once you're ready, you're off! You are a fast mover! If we're not watching you and it seems you've disappeared, 9 chances out of 10 you are in Mommy & Daddy's room attacking Daddy's most expensive Nike's :) I still can't understand why it has to be that specific pair but you pass the other ones every time! The other chance would be the kitchen cabinets. You are constantly getting into the drawer with the baggies, the safety lock wasn't even a challenge for you. You are cruising slowly around the coffee table, not sure if that's any indication as to if and when you'll be walking. The funniest thing is how you crawl outside now. If you're on the sidewalk or somewhere rough you actually keep your knees off the ground while you move. It reminds me of a baby gorilla, just on your hands and feet. I always thought you were Mommy's little monkey :)

You are saying Mama all the time now. Sometimes it seems like you're referring to me which of course makes me get all warm inside and others, well it just rolls off your tongue. The cutest thing of all is your no no. It is absolutely priceless. All of a sudden you will start shaking your head no with the biggest grin on your face. And if we play along and say in a higher/ happy voice, "no no no" you try to imitate our words. The actual words aren't there but the pitch and rhythm sounds the same. Now if only you'd stop doing it while I'm trying to feed you, then it would be even better.

You WANT the remote very much! Em is constantly making sure it's up high where you can't reach. But you are smart. I think you've come to realize that we usually put it on the back of the couch because every time we're sitting on the couch you want us to pick you up and sure enough you're looking along the edge in search for it!

You love clapping to music and playing "Row Row Row Your Boat". Your favorite toys are your Leap Frog Learning Table that plays music and the Fisher Price Animal Train. You also love to throw things. (We can thank Daddy for that one.) I must pick up the magnetic Fridge Phonic Letters 100 times a day. You're constantly taking them off the stove and throwing them around.

Here's my Little Monkey :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beach Pics

Today we went to the beach with some friends to have fun with our cameras. Take a look at some of the pics I got! Next time John will have to come with to help watch Garret so he doesn't keep putting rocks in his mouth.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day of fun!

So today was the first day that we were actually able to visit the Kenosha fountains this summer. And wouldn't you know it, it's been a gazillion degrees here for the last few weeks and then today a cold front came through. Oh, well. That didn't stop us, at least not Em. Hopefully we'll get back there either later this week or next before I go back to work so Garret can join in. Maybe our friends will be able to join us again. It's always much sweeter when you can spend the morning with good friends!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

It was a HOT one!

Today we took Em to her 1st Brewer game. It was a 1:00 game and of course with our luck it was also a heat index of 96 degrees!!!! We were planning on taking Garret too but at the last minute decided he should stay home.

Here we are tailgating. Em really liked this except she tried to find any available shade. She ended up sitting between cars to escape the sun :)

Once inside we were blessed with awesome seats with the hot beating sun coming down on us. We made it one inning in our seats and then HAD to get up. We walked around for a bit and got some ice cream. When we were done Em really wanted to keep watching the game so we headed up to the bleachers and were lucky enough to find some seats in the shade. That's when her true colors about baseball came. She LOVED the game! I'm thinking she's going to be heading to some more games with dad, seeing as I'm still not a fan, sorry John.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

These last few weeks have been wonderful, but today was a sad day for Em. She was given an extra special gift when John's brother came down and stayed with some friends down here in Racine. When we were planning on going somewhere we'd call and every time he joined us. Em just loved having her Uncle Vinny around, as did Garret. But today he went back home and Em is putting on her "sad" face because she already misses Vinny. Love you Vince!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

State Fair

As always it great food and fun! Cream Puffs, Saz's, and my favorite- Fried Oreos. Mmmm!!! However, Em still didn't want anything to do with the animal barns. She did LOVE the racing pigs though! Can't stop talking about the fat one that had to stop and get a drink :) Here's some pics from our day. (Oh and Uncle Vinny came along too!)