Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jam Packed Weekend

This weekend we took our 2nd trip camping as a family (a 1st for Garret of course). We went with some of our closest friends and decided to go to Ottawa Lake State Park since it's not to far away. Last time we went Em was the only kid. This time there were 5! 4yrs, 3yrs, 16 months, 12 months, and 8months. Overall it was a blast and went much better than I was anticipating with bringing such a young baby. We had perfect weather and neither of the kids really got bitten by bugs (just me). Here's some pics of our trip:Then there was Saturday morning, has anyone else ever had to get a kid all dolled up while camping so she could be driven back to civilization to perform in her 1st ever dance recital? Yeah, didn't think so. But being the awesome mom I am that's just what I did for our little ballerina. Prep started Friday night as we attempted to get her clean even though she didn't want to get in the shower. With the resourcefulness of some great friends we came up with a plan and it worked! We got through it just in time before the major storm came. Then Saturday morning we had to be up early so we could get her hair up and curled and off we were at 8:45 to be at the Performing Arts Center by 10am for backstage drop off. Here she is after her performance. She didn't sound as happy as I thought she would be when we gave her the flowers. I think all the excitement of the actual performance was a lot. But later on that's all she could talk about. How great it was that Mommy, Auntie Jennie and Lindsay all gave her flowers! (Oh, and she was quick to add that she got more than anyone else!) :)She did an awesome job and looked so natural, no stage fright for her! (She's the 2nd from the right in the group shot which was actually taken at dress rehearsal.)

8 months

Time is just flying by so fast! I can't believe our little man is already 8 months. This month has been huge for him. He's finally found his voice, usually more so when his sister isn't around :) Garret can get around this house in no time. Is army call is hilarious as his left elbow and forearm push off as his right hand reaches. He can also go from laying down to sitting up all by himself. Garret has learned how to clap and sometimes even does it at just the right time! Too Cute!

Monday, June 14, 2010

My New Memory Tracker

So John finally caved and bought me the camera I've been begging for for nearly a year now for this past Mother's Day. I went with a Nikon D3000. It's taken some time to finally get the pictures on the computer but I am already loving the quality and detail even the basic functions put out. I can't wait to actually learn how to use it. Here's a few of my favorite picks so far.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Finally...Summer vacation is officially here. Now what needs to be accomplished this summer- Too Much! Garret's room has to get painted and pronto! I want to see the basement storage room immaculate, side yard landscaped, back flower garden planted, Declutter, declutter, declutter. I think that should do it. Oh, and have fun with the kids of course :)