Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!

Here's our little princess. This year Em decided she wanted to be Snow White, even though she's never made it past the first 2 minutes because she claims "it's too scary..." She's already decided what her and Garret are going to be next year but you'll have to wait to see :)

John and I took turns taking her around the neighborhood since it was too cold to bring Garret with. John did the first round so when it was my turn she was on a mission and was telling me where we needed to go. She was so well mannered. Much better than the majority of the kids who came to our house. She would walk up to the doors by herself, say hi, trick or treat and then thank you every time without hardly any prompting from me. I was so proud of her. One of the houses we stopped at had an older man who asked her if she knew the trick or treat poem, you know the "...smell my feet, give me something good to eat..." Em just stared at him. Well 5 minutes later she's singing her version as we were walking down the block, "yummy in my tummy, smell my foot." It was just too cute in her sweet signing voice.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

Tonight we carved our pumpkins. Em wanted a Minnie Mouse pumpkin this year so I found a template online and got to work once John and Em finally got the pumpkins all cleaned out. Here she is freaking out about not wanting to touch the pumpkin slime and then after she gave it a try her comment was “that’s not so bad.” And the last picture are our masterpieces; Em’s Minnie Mouse, John’s Packer pumpkin (that he had no faith in me that I’d be able to do it J ) and my happy face.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

He's finally here!

Garret Einer arrived Tuesday 10/20/09 at 10:36am. He was 8lbs 10 oz and 21 1/4 inches. I was supposed to be induced Tuesday morning but ended up going into labor Monday night. He is such a good baby. Loves to sleep like his mama! Em has been doing really well at her new role as a big sister. She just can't get enough of our new little man. She's been a great helper and is full of love and kisses.

I can't believe that our first week as a family of 4 has already flown by. It's been wonderful having John home with us and has made the adjustment a little easier. Only 1 more week and he'll be back to work and Em and I will be on our own. Wish us luck! ;)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, and more Pumpkins Farm #3

After Apple Holler we stopped at The Land of the Giant Pumpkins to pick out all of our pumpkins. Might I say Em is a very strong and determined little girl. She was so persistent on pulling and steering that wagon full of pumpkins. Too Funny!

Farm #2 Breakfast & Fun

Today we continued our expedition to the pumpkin farms. John and I have made it a tradition to head to Apple Holler every October for their apple breakfast. They have the best apple walnut french toast! Mmmm! When we're done we always get Em's picture taken in front of their measuring sign. Amazingly she actually was cooperative and let me take her picture today. That seldom happens, no matter where or what we're doing. She had fun pumpkin bowling, riding the train, getting lost in the corn maze, riding the cars with daddy, and another oh my gosh moment, taking a pony ride. Like I posted previously, Em is not a fan of animals. I really didn't think she'd do it. But she did and had so much fun.

Weekend full of fun! Farm #1

So knowing that our new addition is coming we decided this would be the ONLY weekend to get out to the pumpkin farms. Seeing as it's one of my favorite things to do with Em we hit up 3 of them in 2 days! Crazy, I know but we just had too! Saturday we headed to Jerry Smith's with Aiden, Chris and Jennie. The scenes were the same as last year but the kids didn't care one bit. Of course the weather wasn't the greatest but it wasn't terrible either. A little drizzling here and there. Em is still not a fan of animals. And after the episode there, I think that fear will be in her for awhile. Aiden was feeding some of the goats when all of a sudden a rooster came halling butt from the fenced in coop. Flapping it's wings and just barely missing Em. She was so freaked. I haven't seen her jump that high ever! Of course, our buddy Aiden found it cool and was laughing. He's just so adventurous and daring. Maybe one day Em will stop being such a girly girl. :)