Friday, July 17, 2009

Material Girl

Look at my little Material Girl. Em came out of her room looking like this. She so looks like she belongs in the early Madonna era!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Summer Projects

So everyday Em has been asking for more projects. Here are 2 that we've done last week. The first is a rainbow cloud and the second is a sun where she glued on yellow and orange squares along with her hand cutouts for the rays. She loved the cotton balls so much that she made extra clouds to put on the door as well.

Our Little Ballerina

Today was Em’s first day of dance class. She has been waiting for this day for a few weeks now. We’ve been talking about how she’ll be in the class while I wait in the hall and watch through the windows. I really think that had helped her transition. She did great! She was following the directions of her teacher, Miss Heather, and seemed to be loving every minute of it! I was a little worried though. You see Em has been telling everyone that she was going to show “them” (meaning her classmates and teacher) her dance moves. But instead she followed along and was really upset when class was over and we needed to go. Her comment, “I just want to stay here all week.”

Fishin' with Papa

These pictures needed a post all by themselves. Here Em is with her Papa on the 4th. They were fishing off the pier and I couldn't help but taken tons of pictures of them. I do wish we all lived closer so that we could see each other more often. Em loves her Papa so much and I think that's what makes these pictures so priceless. The soonest she'll have a chance to do this again will be next year.

4th of July

Here's some pics from the 4th of July. We decided last minute to head up north by John's family for his Aunt & Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary.
My absolute favorite picture of the summer so far!

Em and Aunti Katie

Em with Uncle Vinny