Friday, October 31, 2008

More Pumpkin Farm Fun

So October is at an end and I’ve been really bad at keeping up with the blog, go figure. So let me play catch up…… We ended up hitting at least one pumpkin farm every weekend just like I was hoping to. Em and I went with our good friends, Jennie and Aiden and Aiden’s grandma Sharon, who is also Em’s sitter, to Swan’s Pumpkin Farm on the 12th. Emily took her 1st hayride and loved it. One thing that she could have lived without, the animals. She wanted nothing to do with any of the animals and just kept trying to hide behind me. Aiden on the other hand, loved them!

The next weekend John and I took Emily and Aiden to Jerry Smith’s. What a great Pumpkin farm! We had never been there before. They have little scenes set up with the characters having “pumpkin heads”. Emily’s favorite was the JoJo’s Circus scene. (JoJo’s circus is one of her favorite cartoons on Disney.) We did a no no and let Em go in the scene so we could get her picture taken with them. I know, I know, what bad examples we are, but it was the only way I could get her to look at me for a picture ;)

Then the third weekend we finally got hit with the October cool weather. We had been so lucky up till that point! Of course, the weekend I decide to save for going to the Land of the Giant Pumpkins, out on Hwy 11 in Sturtevant, was the windiest and coldest, but Em didn’t care. Nana (my mom) came with us because I had to pick up 50 small pumpkins for the RFC Halloween party in addition to the pumpkins for our house. Emily had fun picking out pumpkins for her friends and playing in the small houses and hay maze. Em had a blast going to all the different pumpkin farms! If anyone might know of any pumpkin farms that we missed, please let me know so we can add them to our list for next year.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Fun

It’s Fall! One of my favorite times of the year. I love the the fresh crisp air and the change of colors. I can’t wait for the leaves to fall so we can make big piles and Emily can have fun jumping into them. Speaking of which, mental note needed: Have John pick up a kid’s rake from work. ;)

We started October off right with a trip to Apple Holler on Saturday. We have made it a tradition to go there each year. We get up early (yes all 3 of us) and head there for their apple breakfast. The Apple Walnut French toast is sooo yummy and the apple smoked bacon is Mmm. After breakfast we go to the pumpkin patch and take Emily’s picture in front of the height chart. This year she’s really made it difficult to get any good pictures. She refuses to look at me when I’ve got the camera out. Here’s a picture from each year. It’s hard to believe that this is her 3rd Halloween. Oh, how time flies!

This was the first year that Emily really “did” anything while at the pumpkin farm. She rode the kid’s train and did the corn maze. She was so cute while doing the maze. John and I let her lead the way. Each time we got to an “intersection” in the maze she’d say, “ooh, this is a good way” and lead us on all while eating an apple and trying to eat the dried corn throughout the maze.

Speaking of apples….my oh my did she ever get us going. For those of you who don’t know Em is a fruit and veggieaholic! No seriously, she can put them away like nobody’s business. Well while we were trying to take her picture by the growth chart she saw another little girl eating an apple and persistently begged us until we finally got her one. I was a little concerned because usually I cut apples into slices but figured she would be able to handle it. I showed her the part she shouldn’t eat and John and I kept reminding her while we were walking around. When it was time to go she still had half of her apple so we let her take it in the car. (Yes I know, it could have been a choking hazard but you try taking fruit away from an addict J ) Anyway, on our way home we kept checking on her and reminded her not to eat the stem or seeds. Do you know where I’m going with this……….. Yeah, we get home and John lets her out of the truck. He asks her where the rest of her apple is and she gives him a blank stare. He asks her again and he says in a happy voice with a big smile on her face, “I ate it!” We ask her again, “No Emily the part with the stem and the seeds, where did you put it? Under the seat?” She repeats laughing this time, “I ate it.” Again, with disbelief, John asks “Em, no seriously, where did you put it?” Her final answer almost shouting with one of her hands on her hip, “Daddy, It’s in my BELLY!” as she’s patting her belly with her other hand. So are you wondering what happens when you eat an apple core? Nothing at first but a few hours later the stomach ache sets in and it resurfaces if you know what I mean.

So my plan is to check out a few different pumpkin farms this year. Hopefully a different one each weekend while the weather’s still good. But one thing is for sure, I think we’ll stay away from the apples!